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How to contribute an article

Teachers, pre-service teachers, education students, researchers and teacher educators are encouraged to submit articles to AAMT journals.

Please email submissions to: [email protected]

Articles should be relevant to the Australian mathematics education community. They might be based on:

  • reports of mathematical activities
  • reports of innovative practice from classrooms
  • interpretations of research into the classroom context
  • classroom studies
  • current and emerging issues or cross-curricular considerations
  • processes of planning, assessing, recording and reporting mathematics
  • explorations of mathematical topics.

Letters to the Editors and Opinion pieces (not peer reviewed) are also sometimes published at the discretion of the Editors.

Download our Guidelines for Authors document.

How are articles selected for publication?

All submitted papers are first considered by the editor(s) of the journal for suitability.

The next step is the peer review process. The submitted article will be sent ‘blind’ (no author details) to at least two reviewers. The reviewers are mathematics educators (teachers, lecturers, consultants, etc.) with recognised expertise in particular areas. Based on the opinion of the reviewers, the article will be either:

  • accepted for publication
  • reconsidered by the editors once required revisions are made, or
  • deemed not suitable for publication.

The decision, along with any suggested revisions, is then conveyed to the author by the editor(s). Under usual circumstances the review process will be completed within three months of submission but may take longer when significant revisions are needed.
Where only minor amendments to papers are needed, changes can be carried out by the editor(s) and AAMT office staff.

When are the submission deadlines?

There are no deadlines for submission due to the peer review process; articles may be submitted at any time. Once an article has been accepted by peer review, it will be published in the next possible issue.

Required formats

All articles must be submitted as .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word) or .rtf (if written in another application) with minimal formatting. A .pdf may be submitted with the .doc(x) file for reference if the article has particular mathematical or other formatting.

Journal production

During the production of the journals the AAMT graphic designer may be in touch with authors for clarification where needed.

It is not unusual for authors to be contacted about the quality of images, diagrams, and graphs provided. Remember to submit a recent head and shoulders digital photograph of each author—high resolution, in focus, and just of the authors. This will be published and as such, it will represent you professionally. (So, perhaps not that photo of you at the beach or a nightclub.)

Once made ready for publication by AAMT staff, the editors and authors are sent drafts to proof read. Minor changes and corrections can be made at this stage.

More about images

Any illustrations or photographs used should be relevant to the article and not used for purely decorative purposes.

Appropriate permission must be obtained for any images used; e.g., photographs of students, work samples, reproductions of the work of others, photos taken by anyone other than the author. AAMT has a permission form available for use if another is not available to you.

Any images must be of suitable quality for high resolution printing (low resolution images on many website are not suitable). If you are providing your own photographs, please be sure to set your digital camera (or smart phone camera) to High Definition or the high quality. Download our photography tips sheet for some easy ideas for taking better photographs.

Any images sourced from the Internet must have appropriate licences for use or permission obtained. Please don’t download images straight from a Google search as they are usually not Copyright compliant. Rather, we suggest searching Stock Photography websites where a ‘license to use’ can be purchased. There are a number of stock sites where you can find images which are free to use under Creative Commons licensing. (Try these: Unsplash.com, pixabay.com, freeimages.com)

Diagrams and graphs should be prepared using an appropriate drawing application and ideally saved as either EPS, PDF or TIFF files. Image files (photographs) should be saved at high resolution. Make them at least 20 cm wide at 300 dpi.  Diagrams and graphs made in Microsoft Word cannot usually be saved in a format we can print. Generally we will have to reproduce these in professional design/illustration software. This can be very time consuming for us and we much prefer that you supply high quality, large enough, clear graphs and diagrams.

Place a copy of any images/diagrams/graphs into your submitted Word document but also submit a stand-alone copy of the original image file as well.

Please note that we do not print our journals in full colour; images and diagrams will generally be rendered in black/greyscale. This can have implications for diagrams and graphs if they use colours. Please look at alternative ways of designing these. For example, textured fills, grayscale fills, dotted or dashed lines.


All references are to be listed at the end of the manuscript. All references should follow APA style (although preferably using Australian date styles and abbreviations); e.g.,

  • Williams, J. (1987). Teaching absolute value for the Higher School Certificate. Australian Senior Mathematics Journal 1(1), 3–10.
  • Cameron, M. J. (1983). Heritage mathematics. North Melbourne: Hargreen.
  • Watson, J. M. (1984). Individualised teaching and learning in tertiary mathematics. In P. Costello et al. (Eds), Facets of Australian mathematics education (pp. 198–201). Adelaide: AAMT Inc.
  • The Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc. (2008). Contributing to AAMT journals.

Inside the body of the paper, articles, monographs, etc. should be referred to by the author’s name and year, e.g., Williams (1987), etc.

How to submit your paper

When submitting an article for publishing, please send:

  •  an electronic copy of the paper (a Word doc and a PDF file);
  •  a ‘blinded’ copy of the paper (Word doc)
  •  any diagrams, graphs and photographs (EPS, TIFF, JPEG, or PDF); and
  •  a completed Author’s Warranty form.

The author’s warranty and publishing agreement is to be completed by authors submitting work for publication by AAMT. Any questions about this warranty should be directed to Jacquie Sprott: email [email protected]

Submit all files (article, images, warranty, etc.) by email to [email protected]

Your paper will then be forwarded to the relevant editor(s). Submitting a hard copy is generally not necessary.

Include all contact details for yourself with your article, including postal address, daytime phone number, and email address.

If you have any questions about preparing articles for submission, please contact Jacquie Sprottemail [email protected]

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